Current Studies
Teen Siblings Speak:
We are currently recruiting adolescents (age 13-17) who have a sibling with Autism (ASD, Asperger Syndrome, and PDD) and a parent to participate in a research study looking at sibling relationships among adolescents and their siblings with Autism.
Participation involves:
- One 2.5 – 3 hour visit to MSU
- A short set of daily questions (less than 10 min) completed online for 16 days
- Saliva collection at home on 2 days
- Families can earn up to $156 for participating!
Interested? Schedule your visit here.
You can also contact us by phone/text (517-898-2206) or email and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you prefer to have us contact you, provide your contact info and we’ll get in touch with you.
Teen Siblings Speak Participants: Current participants is this project can watch our saliva collection instructional video.
Spartan Sibling Survey (MSU College Students):
We are currently following emerging adult typically developing siblings who are transitioning to college. Participants complete a baseline session during their first year of college and 16 days of daily questions while home with their family and their sibling with ASD.
Spartan Sibling Survey Participants: Current participants is this project can watch our saliva collection instructional video.
Keep in Touch!
Keep in touch with the Family Stress Lab regarding future participation opportunities!
- We will be glad to add you to our mailing list for future project announcements. Please email us and ask to be added.
- Like the Family Stress Lab on Facebook and follow us on Twitter: